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THOTH pseudonym of THilly roOTHooft, born in Antwerp, Belgium
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, department expressive arts: goldsmith's trade & jewellery design
Academy of Music and Drama Antwerp
First prize in the contest ‘Philosophers Today’ organised by the newspaper ‘De Morgen’ (The Morning) in 2006
Taught master classes of music improvisation at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp

STATEMENT: A controlled freedom is the best description of my drawings, lyrics and music.
Improvisando ma non troppo.

THilly roOTHooft ~ THOTH
Auguste Oleffestraat 3/3 ~ ‘Melrose Park’
B-2020 Antwerp

Mobile: +32 (0)496 49 71 32
mailto: thoth@telenet.be
Instagram: thillyroothooft